Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Information report draft writing T2 09
As part of our 'unit of inquiry' we are looking at a place called 'Coober pedy' where life is so different. The impact of the hot sun plays a role in how people live in the desert.
Below is a draft writing session in Year 3.
We have bullet points that support our thinking. We use these bullet points to help us organise our thoughts.
The children have been photgraphed as they are preparing their paragraphs.
They are learning to use interesting sentence starters. These can be technical sentence starters or ordinary sentence starters which enable the children to demonstrate a variety in their sentence structure.
They are learning to be strong language users.
Below is what an information report should look like.
Assessment of information report Self assessment
Name_____________ Date______________
My writing gives the reader information about a class of things
I have identified the subject of the report
I have written details to describe the subject
I have written a conclusion
I have used adjectives of describing words
I have used conjunctions or joining words
I have used verbs in the present tense eg is, are, have, has, live
Writing features:
I have planned my writing
I have used correct, simple sentences
The tense of verbs is consistent
The subject and verbs agree
I have used plurals correctly
I have used capital letters, full stops and other punctuation markers correctly
I have checked my spelling and corrected when I have miscued a word
Self assessment by______________
My strengths:
My next learning step:
Below is a draft writing session in Year 3.
We have bullet points that support our thinking. We use these bullet points to help us organise our thoughts.
The children have been photgraphed as they are preparing their paragraphs.
They are learning to use interesting sentence starters. These can be technical sentence starters or ordinary sentence starters which enable the children to demonstrate a variety in their sentence structure.
They are learning to be strong language users.
Below is what an information report should look like.
Assessment of information report Self assessment
Name_____________ Date______________
My writing gives the reader information about a class of things
I have identified the subject of the report
I have written details to describe the subject
I have written a conclusion
I have used adjectives of describing words
I have used conjunctions or joining words
I have used verbs in the present tense eg is, are, have, has, live
Writing features:
I have planned my writing
I have used correct, simple sentences
The tense of verbs is consistent
The subject and verbs agree
I have used plurals correctly
I have used capital letters, full stops and other punctuation markers correctly
I have checked my spelling and corrected when I have miscued a word
Self assessment by______________
My strengths:
My next learning step:
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Splitting subtraction into tidy numbers...Term 2 09
We are learning to make the connections using part whole thinking.
You can see how we make tens!
This group worked incredibly hard today.
Our learning intention: To group numbers and subtract in parts.
eg making tidy numbers using tens. Can you see the hard work? We had to imagine 75-7 and then say we know that if we take away 5, it will look like 75-5=70 and I know that I have to take away another 2, so 70-2= 68. We had to think, visualise and look at tidy numbers. We are learning to think like a 'part whole thinker' . We were very proud of our work!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Maori fishing song dance
We are learning how to put music together. We are performing a rhythmic pattern to accompany a song.
Enjoy singing
Taku Rongo ma-i-e x4
au-eh ti-ma ta-ku eh ka-re ka-re ka
aue ti ma ta-ku eh ka-re, ka-re ka
ma a-tu-a e ka-re ka-re ka ma a-ta x2
o nga ki te o e
Our pattern is in groups of 8 patterns of 4 beats.
Enjoy singing
Taku Rongo ma-i-e x4
au-eh ti-ma ta-ku eh ka-re ka-re ka
aue ti ma ta-ku eh ka-re, ka-re ka
ma a-tu-a e ka-re ka-re ka ma a-ta x2
o nga ki te o e
Our pattern is in groups of 8 patterns of 4 beats.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Guided reading with Anne Familton Term 2 09
On every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we have guided reading with Anne Familton.
We are learning to become life-long readers.
Part of the reading programme looks at the 'deeper features' of a text.
Here we are being guided to think beyond the text, and make some inferences, understand vocabulary, re-organise our thoughts and read the text using all the strategies that we have learnt in our reading time.
On Friday as part of our reading lesson we go to the library and choose books that interest us. The yellow and black dot books have been bought for our class.
This is a very important part of our programme. We love being read to!
We are learning to become life-long readers.
Part of the reading programme looks at the 'deeper features' of a text.
Here we are being guided to think beyond the text, and make some inferences, understand vocabulary, re-organise our thoughts and read the text using all the strategies that we have learnt in our reading time.
On Friday as part of our reading lesson we go to the library and choose books that interest us. The yellow and black dot books have been bought for our class.
This is a very important part of our programme. We love being read to!
Tolerance and compassion chapel service by Year 3 week 8 T2 09
Please bow your heads
As we light our candle we are reminded about the strength it brings to our life.
The candle shares the light. Just like this candle we can share and show others our love. Jesus told us to love other people.
Our theme today is tolerance and compassion.
Please stand for our song ‘When Jesus met a stranger’
Our reading today comes from John chapter 3 verse 16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
This is the word of the Lord
Our theme today is tolerance and compassion.
Down the road is a very busy street. Three very wise pigs live close by each other. But lurking around the corner is this very suspicious character called Mr Wolf.
Police Officer Hamish is about to investigate a 111 call.
The three wise pigs play.
The moral of the story…..always be wise and help people who are in need. Be strong role models like the ‘wise old pigs’.
Our second play is about Best friends. It is with our best friends that we have to show tolerance and compassion.
The moral of the story…listen carefully to your friends and be the best friend you can ever be, when you have had no sleep at all.
Please bow your heads for our closing prayer
Help us God to be positive, caring people in our daily lives.
Would Mr Owen like to say a few words
Please bow your heads
As we light our candle we are reminded about the strength it brings to our life.
The candle shares the light. Just like this candle we can share and show others our love. Jesus told us to love other people.
Our theme today is tolerance and compassion.
Please stand for our song ‘When Jesus met a stranger’
Our reading today comes from John chapter 3 verse 16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
This is the word of the Lord
Our theme today is tolerance and compassion.
Down the road is a very busy street. Three very wise pigs live close by each other. But lurking around the corner is this very suspicious character called Mr Wolf.
Police Officer Hamish is about to investigate a 111 call.
The three wise pigs play.
The moral of the story…..always be wise and help people who are in need. Be strong role models like the ‘wise old pigs’.
Our second play is about Best friends. It is with our best friends that we have to show tolerance and compassion.
The moral of the story…listen carefully to your friends and be the best friend you can ever be, when you have had no sleep at all.
Please bow your heads for our closing prayer
Help us God to be positive, caring people in our daily lives.
Would Mr Owen like to say a few words
Part-whole thinking in maths week 8 Term 2 09
Today this group was working at problem solving.
Story problem
Today 24 children were going to the library and they were able to choose 4 books each. How many books altogether?
If you look at the our pictures you will see that we are using the towers of ten.
First step imaging
What does 24 look like using our Tower of ten.... Can we image what 2 groups would look like....what 3 groups would like.....?
We needed to visualise what this looked like, so we understood how we could group numbers.
The next step we had to think about was to see these numbers as a mutliplication problem. We are learning how to split tens and ones. This is called part-whole thinking. We are learning how to see problems using different strategies.
We can solve a problem using our number knowledge.
eg 24x1+ , 24x2=, 24x3=, 24x4= We know that 20x4 plus 4x4 can be a way to solve our problem
or if we know that 24x2= 48 we can double the number
Gerry is showing the group how he solved the problem. Tom and William are showing the group how they solved the problem. We are buiding up flexibility in our thinking.
Story problem
Today 24 children were going to the library and they were able to choose 4 books each. How many books altogether?
If you look at the our pictures you will see that we are using the towers of ten.
First step imaging
What does 24 look like using our Tower of ten.... Can we image what 2 groups would look like....what 3 groups would like.....?
We needed to visualise what this looked like, so we understood how we could group numbers.
The next step we had to think about was to see these numbers as a mutliplication problem. We are learning how to split tens and ones. This is called part-whole thinking. We are learning how to see problems using different strategies.
We can solve a problem using our number knowledge.
eg 24x1+ , 24x2=, 24x3=, 24x4= We know that 20x4 plus 4x4 can be a way to solve our problem
or if we know that 24x2= 48 we can double the number
Gerry is showing the group how he solved the problem. Tom and William are showing the group how they solved the problem. We are buiding up flexibility in our thinking.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Meeting Henry .......T2 09
Ollie and Matthew shared Henry with us at school last Friday. We thought Henry was an amazing dog. We asked lots of questions!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Visualising our multiplication T2 09
This group is working out how many groups they would create if the answer's 20.
They used grid paper to problem solve.
We asked ourselves...
How many groups would we make if we had 2 groups, 4 groups? 5 groups and 10 groups. What would the groups look like?
The grid paper helps us to problem solve and we can visualise what it looks like.
They used grid paper to problem solve.
We asked ourselves...
How many groups would we make if we had 2 groups, 4 groups? 5 groups and 10 groups. What would the groups look like?
The grid paper helps us to problem solve and we can visualise what it looks like.
Using a graphic organiser to support our problem solving in maths T2 09
On Monday our group looked at a graphic organiser that supported our thinking in maths.
Here was a number story we had to problem solve.
Our school is visiting the Michael Fowler Centre and 450 students are going to the show. We have ordered 5 buses. How many children will be on each bus.
You will see the children working together to solve the problem.
They are using part-whole thinking while they solve the problem
Reflective writing
Today I thought that maths was very great because we learnt to use a graphic organiser which was interesting. Hamish
Today I liked figuring out hard division questions using a graphic organiser. Ben
I learnt that we can get division questions right by using a graphic organiser. William
I enjoyed maths today because it got my brain working. I learnt how to use a graphic organiser. Dominic
Here was a number story we had to problem solve.
Our school is visiting the Michael Fowler Centre and 450 students are going to the show. We have ordered 5 buses. How many children will be on each bus.
You will see the children working together to solve the problem.
They are using part-whole thinking while they solve the problem
Reflective writing
Today I thought that maths was very great because we learnt to use a graphic organiser which was interesting. Hamish
Today I liked figuring out hard division questions using a graphic organiser. Ben
I learnt that we can get division questions right by using a graphic organiser. William
I enjoyed maths today because it got my brain working. I learnt how to use a graphic organiser. Dominic
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Today was Enviroment Day -no waste and sensible packaging T2 09
Today we thought about how we could repack our lunch using containers and thinking about a variety of ways packing our lunch. After assembly we went down to the sand dune and using protective gloves we cleaned up the area in front of our school.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Chapel service Year 3 and Reverend Damon Plimmer on our chapel theme 'The Family'
As we light our candle we are reminded about the strength it brings to our life.
The candle shares the light. Just like this candle we can share and show others our love. Jesus told us to love other people especially our families.
Please bow your heads for our special prayer
Today we are preparing for the time of Pentecost. This is a time where we reflect on Easter and celebrate new life and the energy within us.
We pray that people will share their talents in a supportive way.
Please stand quietly for our hymn. Kate played 'Gentle as silence' for the school.
Our reading comes from the Acts chapter 2: verses 1 to 4…
“When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force—no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.”
This is the word of the Lord
Would Reverend Plimmer like to take our chapel service?
Thank you Reverend Plimmer
Closing prayer
In the same way, you should be a light for other people.
Live so that they will see the good things you do.
Would Mr Owen like to say a few words?
As we light our candle we are reminded about the strength it brings to our life.
The candle shares the light. Just like this candle we can share and show others our love. Jesus told us to love other people especially our families.
Please bow your heads for our special prayer
Today we are preparing for the time of Pentecost. This is a time where we reflect on Easter and celebrate new life and the energy within us.
We pray that people will share their talents in a supportive way.
Please stand quietly for our hymn. Kate played 'Gentle as silence' for the school.
Our reading comes from the Acts chapter 2: verses 1 to 4…
“When the Feast of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, gale force—no one could tell where it came from. It filled the whole building. Then, like a wildfire, the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them.”
This is the word of the Lord
Would Reverend Plimmer like to take our chapel service?
Thank you Reverend Plimmer
Closing prayer
In the same way, you should be a light for other people.
Live so that they will see the good things you do.
Would Mr Owen like to say a few words?
Warren Owen reading to our children T2 09
After lunch Mr Owen read us some interesting sayings.
He played a memory game with us!
He played a memory game with us!
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