Assessment for narrative writing
Name:__________________ Date_________________
I have planned my writing for the plot outline
I have written about characters with a problem to entertain or instruct the reader.
I have written an orientation that gives information about who, when and where
I have introduced a problem or complication
I have written a resolution to solve the problem
I have used speech correctly
I have used action verbs
I have used time connectives or conjunctions to link the events
I have used complex noun groups to describe the people and places
I have used descriptive language eg similes
Writing features
I have used simple, compound and complex sentences
I have used paragraphs correctly
The tense of the verb is consistent
The subjects and verbs agree
I have used plurals correctly
I have used capital letters, full stops and other punctuation correctly
I have checked my spelling carefully and corrected my miscues
I have re-read my work to edit it carefully