Thursday, July 30, 2009
Gymnastics Term 3 09
We are learning about safe landings. Can you see how focussed we are in the hall?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Preparing for Grandparent/Friend Day letters with Anne Familton Term 3 09
This group of children are learning how to set out a letter for our grandparent/friend day. They are taking a real pride in their draft copy.
Chapel today celebrating festivals in the Jewish community Term 3 09
Hilary came and spoke to our school about the Jewish festivals.
The Hanukkah celebration 25th day of the lunar month of Kislev [which falls in December of the Gregorian calendar]
The celebration begins each day at dusk. Each night of Hanukkah one candle is lit for each of the days the lamp burned in the temple of Jerusalem.
They also light one more candle, the shammash, which is a candle used to light the others. The shammash is lit first.
On the first night of the holiday, a family member is chosen to light the shammash and the first Hanukkah candle.
While the candle is being lit, the family sing songs and pray for the miracle that happened over 2,000 years ago. On the second night, another family member lights the second candle and relights the first. This continues over time until all of the candles have been lighted.
During the celebration, they light candles in a nine- branched candle holder called a menorah. Hanukkah is also called the Festival of the Lights.
Problem solving with fractions Term 3 09
Learning how to problem solve using fractions.
My cake is divided into 4 equal parts and I have 24 lollies to place on top. How many lollies would each piece have on top?
If I had 8 pieces of cake and 24 lollies? What would that look like?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Unit of inquiry Festivals Term 3 09
Duration: Term 3 09
Title: Looking back and to the future in festivals Focus: A unit of inquiry festivals
Central idea: Particular festivals are celebrated around the world
Inquiry into:
• What festivals and why we celebrate them within a year.
• Preparation and taking part in festivals
• The similarities and differences in cultural festivals
• Particular festivals that are common and important to many cultures
• People and places are in a constant state of change
• Many different factors are responsible for change in festivals
• Many different festivals are responsible for change in lifestyle
• People respond to festivals in different ways
• Our community has its own history and features that make it unique
• Buildings and the environments are protected by different communities
• People value their local community in different ways
Related values/ attitudes/Issues
During the unit of inquiry, students will be encouraged to consider their own values in relation to festivals, to compare values across generations and to question and justify their own. The unit of inquiry explores the values underpinning festivals and the tension between traditions and progress. It also explores the way our homes, school, church and community provide a context in which we form our values and shape our identity
Big idea
Change and stability, certainty and uncertainty, cultural heritage, identity, generation, lifestyle, progress, environment, conservation,
Content area outcomes:
• Identify similarities and differences in the festivals of different generations
• Interpret accounts and artefacts from different festivals
• Sequence a set of events in chronological order
• Portray a festival or occasion from a different perspective
• Describes different views of individuals and groups about issues related to the care of places
• Consider own place within the current and future communities
• Reflect on the consequences of decisions made in life and the extent to which we can or can not shape our future.
• Contact local museums, art exhibitions, churches, historical society, local councils, iwi, communities etc
• Contact guest speakers
• Collect artefacts, photos, pictures, artworks
• Reflective journals
• Work samples to show growth over time
• Self assessment criteria to be drawn up for unit of inquiry
• Class graffiti sheet for suggestions, ideas and thoughts
• Display space for work in progress
• Camera, digital photo, video, etc
• Skills checklist
What variety of activities will be used to:
Engage all students in the unit of inquiry?
Assess prior knowledge?
Refine further planning?
Lead into the finding out experiences?
Students identify five important events/ festivals in their own lives .
Look for patterns. Introduce concept of personal festivals Individual/Small groups/ whole class
Draft definition of a festival [to be refined during unit of inquiry.]
Invite students to begin bringing in photos, pictures, artwork, food, church, and items of memorabilia. Discuss why these items are of personal value
Students to ask parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends about festivals in their lives. Bring short written statements to school
Students brainstorm and list as many places festivals take place
Begin a list of questions about the festivals .
Read and discuss books, u tube clips etc
Title: Looking back and to the future in festivals Focus: A unit of inquiry festivals
Central idea: Particular festivals are celebrated around the world
Inquiry into:
• What festivals and why we celebrate them within a year.
• Preparation and taking part in festivals
• The similarities and differences in cultural festivals
• Particular festivals that are common and important to many cultures
• People and places are in a constant state of change
• Many different factors are responsible for change in festivals
• Many different festivals are responsible for change in lifestyle
• People respond to festivals in different ways
• Our community has its own history and features that make it unique
• Buildings and the environments are protected by different communities
• People value their local community in different ways
Related values/ attitudes/Issues
During the unit of inquiry, students will be encouraged to consider their own values in relation to festivals, to compare values across generations and to question and justify their own. The unit of inquiry explores the values underpinning festivals and the tension between traditions and progress. It also explores the way our homes, school, church and community provide a context in which we form our values and shape our identity
Big idea
Change and stability, certainty and uncertainty, cultural heritage, identity, generation, lifestyle, progress, environment, conservation,
Content area outcomes:
• Identify similarities and differences in the festivals of different generations
• Interpret accounts and artefacts from different festivals
• Sequence a set of events in chronological order
• Portray a festival or occasion from a different perspective
• Describes different views of individuals and groups about issues related to the care of places
• Consider own place within the current and future communities
• Reflect on the consequences of decisions made in life and the extent to which we can or can not shape our future.
• Contact local museums, art exhibitions, churches, historical society, local councils, iwi, communities etc
• Contact guest speakers
• Collect artefacts, photos, pictures, artworks
• Reflective journals
• Work samples to show growth over time
• Self assessment criteria to be drawn up for unit of inquiry
• Class graffiti sheet for suggestions, ideas and thoughts
• Display space for work in progress
• Camera, digital photo, video, etc
• Skills checklist
What variety of activities will be used to:
Engage all students in the unit of inquiry?
Assess prior knowledge?
Refine further planning?
Lead into the finding out experiences?
Students identify five important events/ festivals in their own lives .
Look for patterns. Introduce concept of personal festivals Individual/Small groups/ whole class
Draft definition of a festival [to be refined during unit of inquiry.]
Invite students to begin bringing in photos, pictures, artwork, food, church, and items of memorabilia. Discuss why these items are of personal value
Students to ask parents, grandparents, neighbours and friends about festivals in their lives. Bring short written statements to school
Students brainstorm and list as many places festivals take place
Begin a list of questions about the festivals .
Read and discuss books, u tube clips etc
We are learning about fractions Term 3 09
Today in maths we are learning about recording fraction symbols for halves, quarters, thirds, fifths.
Next we are learning how to order
The key knowledge
Forwards and backwards number sequence up to and back from 100, 1000.
skip count sequences in twos,fives,and tens up to and back from 100, or 1000 at least
symbols for halves, thirds, quarters and fifths
doubles to 20 and the corresponding halves
Knowledge to be developed
Symbols for 1/2,1/4,1/3,1/5,1/10
Symbols for improper fractions eg 5/3
Counting in fractions with the same denominator 1/4,2/4,3/4,
Ordering simple fractions with the same denominator
multiplication facts for twos,five and ten times table
Next we are learning how to order
The key knowledge
Forwards and backwards number sequence up to and back from 100, 1000.
skip count sequences in twos,fives,and tens up to and back from 100, or 1000 at least
symbols for halves, thirds, quarters and fifths
doubles to 20 and the corresponding halves
Knowledge to be developed
Symbols for 1/2,1/4,1/3,1/5,1/10
Symbols for improper fractions eg 5/3
Counting in fractions with the same denominator 1/4,2/4,3/4,
Ordering simple fractions with the same denominator
multiplication facts for twos,five and ten times table
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